Redux working, Store, Action, Reducer


In this article, we will delve into the concept of the Redux store, its responsibilities, and how it brings actions and reducers together. The Redux store is a fundamental component of Redux, a state management library commonly used in React applications. By understanding the Redux store, you'll have a solid foundation for comprehending React with Redux.

Overview of the Redux Store: The Redux store serves several crucial responsibilities in an application. First, it holds the application state. Secondly, it exposes the getState method, which allows access to the current state held by the store. Thirdly, it provides the dispatch method to update the application state. Additionally, the store enables the registration of listeners through the subscribe method, allowing them to be notified whenever the state in the store changes. Finally, the store supports the ability to unsubscribe from changes by invoking the function returned by the subscribe method.

Implementing the Redux Store: To implement the responsibilities of the Redux store, we'll demonstrate each step using a code example.

  1. Holding the Application State: The store must hold the application state. This can be achieved by creating an instance of the store using the createStore method provided by the Redux library. The createStore method requires a reducer function, which manages the state transitions based on the received actions. By invoking createStore(reducer), we create the store that holds the application state.

  2. Exposing the getState Method: The getState method allows access to the current state stored in the Redux store. By calling store.getState(), we can retrieve the initial state of the application.

  3. Providing the dispatch Method: The dispatch method is used to update the application state. It accepts an action as its parameter. In our example, we utilize an action creator, which returns the action object. By invoking store.dispatch(actionCreator()), we dispatch the action to perform state transitions.

  4. Subscribing to Store Changes: The store enables the registration of listeners through the subscribe method. By calling store.subscribe(listener), we can subscribe to changes in the store. In our example, we log the updated state whenever the store's state changes.

  5. Unsubscribing from Store Changes: To unsubscribe from store changes, we capture the function returned by the subscribe method and assign it to a variable. By calling the captured function, we can unsubscribe from further notifications.


By implementing these responsibilities of the Redux store, we gain a solid understanding of how it works. The Redux store serves as the centralized hub for managing the application state, providing methods to access and update the state, as well as mechanisms to subscribe and unsubscribe from state changes. This understanding is essential when working with React applications using Redux as the state management solution.

Remember, comprehending Redux is a vital foundation for understanding React with Redux. If you still have doubts, we recommend revisiting relevant videos or tutorials before proceeding. Thank you for reading, and we hope this article has provided clarity on the core concepts of the Redux store and its significance in application development.